Doručili jsme již 1986 zpráv z minulosti.

Každý z našich holubů již 702857×? oblétl celý svět.

Detail vzkazu

Its been either a year or 5,,, idk,,, I will randomly decide *cool glassess emoji*
Its the anniversary of our grandpas death so I aint doing great *explosion emoji*
I dont have my meds atm so thats also great,,, homelife is getting worse if imma be honest,,, ive been thinking about running away,,, hope ur doing better or found a better place to stay
Well anyway
Did we fuck up our friendship with Zoe? I gen hope not,,,
If its 5 years later then youre probably living with Zoe in the trash country (pukes cutelly)
Also you probably started T and im so proud of you!!! Cant wait to do it myself
Are parents angry at you if you started T? i hope they accepted you/gen
Did we better our art? I hope so
Did we get our mental health tests? Cuz im gen courius
They told me i might be autistic so thats fun
Did we reconect with max? i gen dont care if we didnt,,, just wondering
I just dmed him,, call me THE nice guy *vine boom*
Also I wanna kms *inserts a silly cat meme,, maybe silly milly*
I hate having insomnia fr fr
Imma end it here cuz
Hope ur doing better
*loud vine boom repeating*

Holub poletí 5 let. Od 25. 1. 2023 a do 25. 1. 2028

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